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International students held a concert in museum and visited exhibitions

The group of Chinese students visited exhibition «Love story» in Nikolay Chernyshevsky museum on March, 3. Paintings of two Saratov artists, married couple Marina Milavina and Serge Condratiev, demonstrate love story of two creative people to each other, arts and nature.

            On March, 4th «Spring concert», dedicated to 110-anniversary of Saratov Conservatoire and International women Day was held in Music hall of the museum. Five year of study students Anastasia Rezchenko and Diana Repnikova worked as concert hosts (main teacher – Chief of the music history department Angela G. Khachaynz). Pieces of F. Schubert, M. Mussorgsky, C. Weber, G. Puccini, M. Glinka, G. Sviridov and other composers were performed by students.

            The same day students visited with a huge interest exhibition of folk and author’s toys. More than 200 exhibits of toys from family collection of Olga and Basil Cherevkov can be found there. Among them are: Dymkov, Philimonov, Abashev, Kargopolsk clay toys and wooden Bogorodskaya toy that has no analogues in the whole world.

Visitors were greeted by literary characters – carefree Pinocchio, thoughtful Pierrot. The exhibition took visitors to the world of childhood, where it is possible to look into the XIX century peasant’s hut or behind a theater screen, where a cheerful Petrushka was always the center of attention at a noisy fair.


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