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International students became participants of the project «Native shores for everyone»

10 Ноября 2022,

On November, 10 the first- and second-year international students visited Saratov Local Historical Museum. The visit was organized within the frame of the project «Native shores for everyone», realized with the Presidential Grants Fund support.

The aim of the project is to create conditions for social and cultural adaptation of international students of Saratov higher education institutions. During the academic year they will take part in various excursions, master-classes, city quests, interactive and theatrical events.

International Affairs Department of Conservatoire carried out a considerable preparatory work. In order to find out what students know about the history of Saratov region they were asked to fill in a special questionnaire. Besides adapted text of excursion were provided to the students so that they could translate it into their native language.

In the museum the students learned about nature and history of Saratov region from the ancient times to the present day, about the natural zones of our region, its geological and paleontological past, protected plants, animals, birds. They also tried on the traditional headdresses, guessed the Russian song «Kalinka» by its melody, made a photo near the plane Yak-18, on which Yury Gagarin learned to fly. On exhibition «Tea Drinking in Russia» students saw various samovars from the museum's collection and found out why gingerbread boards were needed. Then they were told about the traditions of Russian tea drinking and had some tea with gingerbread. At the end of the excursion students received souvenirs with the logo of the project.

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