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Flute Masters at Saratov Conservatoire

29 Марта 2024,

Saratov State Conservatoire participates in The Russian National Project «People of Arts» (a part of The National Project «Culture»). It gives Conservatory an opportunity to bring together interesting and highly professional people of Arts. In the middle of March, 2024, the Saratov Conservatory organized artistic meetings «Flute Masters» within the frame of this project. Zoya Vyazovska (Moscow) held master-class on flute improvisation and Nikolay Plotnikov told students about flute repairing and care. Students of the flute class, teachers of musical schools and performers were invited.

Nikolay Plotnikov is a founder of «Moscow Flute Center», the main flute care and repair master, certified service specialist for such American and Japanese flute brands as Haynes, Powell, Muramatsu. He shared his experience with students, told them about correct flute care and instruments, which every flutist must have for elementary repair of the instrument. He also explained how to avoid common damages and choose the best instrument. The audience found his advice very useful for both beginners and masters.

Zoya Vyazovska is talented flutist, teacher of Music school for children of Gnesin Music Academy, the soloist of ensemble «The Black Square». She told students about flute improvisation, demonstrated how to use different music technics for creating unique sound images. About 70 musicians who play flute, trombone, trumpet, tube, piano, accordion attended her master-class.

The exhibition of flutes was also organized as a part of the project. Participants could see various kinds of flutes ranging from instruments for beginners to flutes of the highest professional quality, possessing special sound and heads made from different types of metal and wood.

The project was closed with Zoya Vyazovska’s recital, held at the Conservatoire Big Hall. She performed music of XVIII-XX centuries, including original flute compositions and transcriptions of pieces for violin. The flutist demonstrated her improvisation art, processing sound through a vocal processor. Recital attracted a large audience, evoked strong emotions and a storm of applause.

The project «Flute Masters» became an important event in the cultural life of Saratov and attracted attention of many music lovers. Its participants got new skills and knowledge, enjoyed beautiful music, performed by talented musicians.

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