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The Saratov Conservatoire took part in the organization of the festival «The Chinese Culture Days in the Saratov Region»

20 Февраля 2024,

On February 19, the festival «The Chinese Culture Days in the Saratov region» was opened in the Great Hall of Saratov Conservatoire with a large concert. The festival was organized by the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society with the participation of the regional government, several universities, schools and museums. The guests and participants of the festival were greeted by Andrey Ivanovich Denisov, Senator from the executive body of state power of the Saratov Region, and Mikhail Igorevich Orlov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Saratov Region, Minister of Education of the region.

The opening concert of the festival consisted of works by I.S. Bach, N. Zivkovic, Sh. M. Widor, G. Puccini, P. Hindemith, S.V. Rachmaninov, A.G. Rubinstein, P.I. Tchaikovsky, V.A. Semenov and Russian folk songs. The concert united students from Russia, China, CIS countries and professors of the Conservatoire. The festival program continues with a number of meetings that take place at universities and museums in Saratov.

In October, 2024 the Peoples Republic of China will celebrate its 75 years anniversary and our countries will celebrate 75 years of diplomatic relations: The Soviet Union was among the first countries that recognized the new Republic on the very next day after its formation. Nowadays relations between our countries are experiencing an unprecedented rise at all levels — from government and business partnership to interpersonal ones. More than 500 young musicians from China have studied at Saratov Conservatoire since 2017. They took part in more than 20 concerts. Preparing to them Chinese students got a deep insight into Russian and European musical culture, and Russian public got acquainted with the best examples of Chinese art.

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